Sunday, June 24, 2012

Thank goodness for...

1) Summer Cherries. Eating them always reminds me of the intro of this movie.

2) British detective novels, like the one I'm reading right now. Page-turners are always great for summer.

3) British Comedy. I never thought I would laugh so hard in a theater. James Corden = Genius.

4) Developing good habits. Inspired by this book. 

5) Malick's Tree of Life. Rewatched it last week. How I love this film!
It reminds me so much of my childhood in the South.
6) Outdoor movie festivals.
Hitchcock's Psycho played last week at Bryant Park.
It was such a cool feeling to be watching such a classic with hundreds of people in the middle of the city with a slight chill in the night air.


  1. i quite like these things too :)

  2. I'd forgotten the intro to Amélie, a reminder of so many simple pleasures. Thanks.


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